Daniele Alì

Daniele Alì

CEO E-PHORS S.p.A and Vice President Cyber Security FINCANTIERI S.p.A

Daniele Francesco Alì is CEO of E-phors and director of cybersecurity at Fincantieri. Previously he was co-director of IT, with delegated authority to the Group's IT Security & Digital Brand Protection, for which he developed the cybersecurity strategy.
Prior to joining Fincantieri, he worked at Poste Italiane as head of cybersecurity standards for the Poste Italiane Group.
He holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome, and later did research in academia, specializing in architecture and security of computer systems and networks. He holds a Master of Science in Information Security Management from CEFRIEL and Politecnico di Milano and a Master of Science in Information Security from Royal Holloway University in London. 
He holds major certifications in Information Security and Project Management.
A professor and lecturer at LUISS and SIOI, Daniele Alì is part of IBM's Board of Advisors of Cy-bersecurity and an active member of Aerospace and Defense Industries Association of Euro-pe. 
He is also the author of several articles and scientific publications in national and international journals and newspapers, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, as well as a speaker on institutional and popular ta-volutions on cybersecurity and new technology development.