Luca Baione

Luca Baione

Brigadier General, Air Force

Born in Naples on 6 October 1966, Brigadier General Luca BAIONE entered the Aeronautical Academy in 1984 where he obtained a degree in ‘Aeronautical Sciences’ and was appointed Second Lieutenant in 1988; in 2004, he successfully attended a master's degree course in ‘Strategic Military Studies’ and acquired the qualification of ‘Legal Advisor in the Armed Forces under International Humanitarian Law’; in 2005, he obtained a degree in ‘International and Diplomatic Sciences’.
After his operational deployment as an ‘interceptor controller’, General Baione gained extensive international experience serving as Military Observer for MINURSO (United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, 1995-1996), Liaison Officer in Belgrade at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslavia, as part of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (1999), Head of Office ‘Financial, Human Resources and Logistics’ at the Italian Military Representation to the NATO Military Committee in Brussels (2008 2011). From March 2013 to January 2017, he served as military assistant, first to the Deputy Chief of Staff and then to the Chief of Defence Staff. 
In January 2017, General Baione took up the post of Deputy Military Advisor to the President of the Council of Ministers. In this capacity, he is the national point of contact for the European Commission for the protection of critical national infrastructure and is the head of the Interministerial Situation and Planning Unit for the coordination of exercises and crises. Since 2021, General Baione has been in charge of the Air Force Meteorological Service and
Permanent Representative of Italy to the World Meteorological Organisation; on 2 June
2023 he was elected among the seven representatives of the European Region in the Executive Council of the same organisation.
Luca Baione is a Brigadier General from 1 January 2020, lives in Rome with his wife Stefania De Santis and has 3 children (Chiara 29, Paolo 26, Martina 19) and 2 dogs (Pizzi and Simba).